Cryout Creations Serious Slider Test
Cryout Creations Serious Slider Test

Cryout Creations Serious Slider Test

This entry is part 5 of 9 in the series Plugins

This is a test of  Cryout Creations’ Serious Slider integrated in a post. I have already tried it in the Landing Page as a header, and it works–I just haven’t tried it out to see if it works beyond the LP. I’ll do that after I have created a slider with my real header images, rather than these test APD ones. 

I am not loving the way the slide title takes up almost the entire image; nor the way the slide is not clickable. Interesting. I will have to check the adjustments to see if I can make any tweaks to fix these things.

The good news is that each slider is indivually adjustable and customizable… I think. 😉 

And this is a 2nd one with different settings…

Nose Cone
Nose Cone
Harvard Engine colwling & Gruman F6F Hellecat
Harvard Engine colwling & Gruman F6F Hellecat
Ace Maker II sleeping
Ace Maker II sleeping
SE5A Relplica prop
SE5A Relplica prop
Grumman F8F Bearcat
Grumman F8F Bearcat
P-51 Mustang Val-Halla
P-51 Mustang Val-Halla
vintage Cessna
vintage Cessna

The settings are dizzying. There is A LOT to adjust and experiment with. This is the area where the adjustments are done. 

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One comment

  1. Well there seems to be a serious problem with Serious Slider and something else.

    I am in the process of reactivating all my plugins one by one to try and figure out why my site is fucked up after a php update, and Serious Slider caused a fatal error when it was activated… something it didn’t do before deactivation.

    I saved the error message in my One Note book on this shitshow where I am keeping track of the order of plugin reactivation, and any problems.

    This is now a test of the DCO comment attachment plugin. Let’s pick a file the reps what I’m feeling right now….

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