Now what the heck is this thing called?
Now what the heck is this thing called?

Now what the heck is this thing called?

So Fred was kind enough to give me something that has turned the heads of a few Volvo enthusiasts: A heckblende for the 740. When he gave it to me I had no idea how rare this thing was. 

He told me how to install it, and gave me the nuts and bolts necessary to do the job. Then I was on my own. I used some tools from Dad’s old VW/Porsche/Audi tool kit and next thing you know the retro 89, 740 went from this:

Volvo, 740 GL, 1989, back end, tail lights, gold car

To this:

1989, Volvo, 740 GL, heckblende, tail lights, gold car, back end

Truth be told, it also has a new R tail light and a bath in the 2nd pic. 😉 

So what is a heckblende? Check this out. Want to see lots of examples? There is even a Flickr group dedicated to these strange German-named plastic, reflective, lighting accessories. 

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