Dark Mode Issues
Dark Mode Issues

Dark Mode Issues

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series Plugins

Finally got rid of WP Dark Mode. They pissed me off from the get a few years ago when the very first time I paid for the ultimate package, they charged me with someone else’s credit card, and gave me that guy’s product. (Not ultimate). Besides the breach in security, since I could see his credit card info in its entirety, I was never impressed with the way the company handled my concerns about possible breaches of my own info.

Long story short, after the latest debacle of the newest update crashing my site–again, but of course this time I had backed up everything just in case–I was done with them. So this a.m. I went on the hunt for a new dark mode for WP. Guess what? There are lots of good choices these days compared to what there were 3 or so years ago when I first started looking. 

A quick googling turned up numerous articles, and I used this one: 5 Best Dark Mode WordPress Plugins. After trying out almost all of them on this test site, I opted for Night Eye. 

Obviously on this site it makes no difference, but on my main sites, I really like the fact that it basically inverses the colours…

screen shot, webpage without dark mode plugin, light background, dark print

screen shot, webpage with dark mode plugin, dark blue background, light print

But doesn’t screw up the header by darkening it beyond recognition…

screen shot, webpage header with dark mode plugin, dark background, light print


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